“Moral Horizons of Pain” News
The criticaldatasense team mounted the installation “Moral Horizons of Pain” at the annual meetings of the Society for Social Studies of Science (42) in November, 2023, for which it has a received a 4S Making and Doing Award.
New paper alert: Sengupta, Pratim, Ariel Ducey, Martina Ann Kelly, Santanu Dutta, Erin Knox. 2023. “Moral Horizons of Pain,” Canadian Theatre Review 195 (summer): 41-46.
Recent Talks
October 13 2022: presentation for the GROWW Program – an interdisciplinary, intersectional training program in women’s health for clinical trainees, grad students, post-doc fellows and ECRS across Canada. “Meaning, harm, and responsibility: a critical sociological account of feeling and working in health care.”
November 2: criticaldatasense team talk for the Center for Data, Culture and Society, University of Edinburgh
September 2022
Our criticaldatasense team created a short film for the International Merleau-Ponty Circle video series celebrating the 75th anniversary of Phenomenology of Perception. Permanently available on vimeo.
Drawing on our interviews for the Moral Horizons project, the film uses animations by Director Santanu Dutta to explore discipline, pain, trauma, and touch in the clinic.
March 2022
Looking forward to learning from and thinking with the the scholars and activists at the Carework Network Virtual Symposium, March 1-3, and the panel on technological futures of care.
October 2021
Our video introduction to the installation can be found here.
The criticaldatasense team’s interactive, theatrical art installation “Moral Horizons of Pain” will be mounted at the Canmore artsPlace on October 23 & 24. It is a free community event! Register here.